Friday, August 19, 2011

Writers & Choking Yourself

To my readers,

It’s hard to sit down and write. 

What I’ve found interesting is how easy it is to sit down and watch an entire season of Psych.  It’s really easy to go read a couple of blogs.  It’s really easy to grab coffee with a friend for hours on end. It’s even easier to get lost on Facebook for way to long than I dare to share.

But it’s hard to sit down, focus, and write.

It’s difficult to find time everyday to devote to writing posts, editing, and re-editing.

I can’t help but wonder why this is?  Why is it so hard to write and so easy to do things that don’t matter? Why is it so easy to do useless things in comparison to something that makes my heart take flight?

Because writing requires discipline. 

There is a proverb in the Old Testament that says,
Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.” Proverbs 13:4, NLT.
What a gut wrenching truth. 

This isn’t saying that I will become a famous blogger that everyone will love and tell all their friends about and will become viral through social media (get the hint?) but, it is saying that I will prosper in that I will be a writer. 

My goal is to write a blog.

My goal is to write a blog that tells people there is an undefeatable hope in Jesus.

Not to become famous.  Not to be successful. 

So what is holding me back from this?


Only I am stopping myself from prospering. I cannot do the things that make me unique if I don’t buckle down and work hard.  If I just allow myself to be lazy, I will never grow as an author.

I will never challenge myself.

I'm choking myself out of everything I was meant to be. 

But I sit down and write regardless, because I know that through my hard work I am growing.   I am fulfilling not only a passion but a deep part of who I am. On the good days, I write.  On the bad days, I write.  I write no matter the circumstances because I know that it is through this discipline that I will grow into becoming a writer.

That's why I don't stop writing, even on the hard days.  

What’s stopping you from doing your deepest passions? What’s holding you back from completing the hard work to your goals?  What’s stopping you from releasing and growing who you are?

The answer is simple- you.

Now what are you going to do about it?

Tex G.M. Rule
Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper.” Proverbs 13:4, NLT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you just had to write this blog didn't you? I have to admit the whole discipline things is something I'm not a fan of but need to embrace. Thanks for writing this post.