To my readers,

I am blessed to have a cubicle. Not just any cubicle but a fairly large cubicle. More than being spacious, it was a space I could call my own. It was my small castle. Then one day, everything changed.
“Tex, this is our new intern Jay. He will be joining us for the summer.”
For five whole minutes Jay became my least favorite person in the world.
Don’t get me wrong, Jay turned into an awesome friend and an incredibly hard coworker, however, at this moment all I would know is that Jay would be sharing a cubicle with me.
At first, I wasn’t excited about this sharing idea, however, I could share a cubicle for three short months. No big deal, right?
You see, The cubicle is great for one person, however for two people, it is quite small. For two bigger guys, it was even smaller. Jay and I were close. You know the kind of close I’m talking about. The in your bubble, feel their breath kind of close.
Don’t believe me? Think I’m exaggerating? Here is a picture of our daily workspace.
I can see it now. Above our cubicle a sign would read, “How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” Psalm 133:1, NLT.
Don’t get me wrong, I was more than excited to have a new intern working with me. I wouldn’t be the butt of the joke anymore. I had someone to push on top of the metaphorical joke grenades. I wasn’t going to have to hear the words, “Oh, Tex” again! The world was looking up.
Then my boss walked into our cubicle.
“How close do you guys sit?”
Before I could even continue on, my boss continued. “Have y’all thought about maybe moving cubicles or something? I’m just saying, you’re knees are almost touching!”
I quickly responded, “I hadn’t thought of that.”
My boss looked at us and shook his head. I realized that even though we hired a new intern, I was still Tex- the comical relief. The interesting part, I can live with that.
Then my boss smiled and said, “Oh, Tex.”
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