In our culture, people are told to fit in and be like those around them. We are told to just work and fit into molds of exchangeable roles and positions. We are becoming exchangeable people. Essentially, we are all brown cows eating grass in the same field. The same job being doing done by the same mold of people.
I believe we’re not supposed to be brown cows.
I’ll say again, I want to see a purple cow.
Why? Because as far as I know, a purple cow can do anything! Since we’ve never seen one, they have the potential to do anything!
In the scriptures the Apostle Paul writes a letter to the church in Corinth explaining to them how unique and important each person is to the church. He describes it as though we were all parts of a body. He writes,
“But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. How strange a body would be if it had only one part! Yes, there are many parts, but only one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, NLT.I began an in depth research topic of the human body.
Therefore, I opened Google and typed how many different body parts does the human body contain. The results showed the human body is literally as diverse and unique as our fingerprints are from each other.
Some parts of the body are beautiful and complicated. Others are strange and confusing. The beautiful part is that God is who put this body together. Each created uniquely and just as important as the next.
I believe too many people are fitting into molds of what the world wants them to become. I believe too many people are not being the unique part they were created to be.
Take a purple cow I know named Amy. Anyone who knows her will gladly tell you that she is one in a million and her ministry is uniquely hers.
Amy is a college student whose heart broke for the people of Nicaragua on a short-term mission trip. Ever since she has returned, each trip longer than the last.
If you can remember college, you can remember that college students are poor. I am sure many of you can’t even think of ramen noodles without a cringe. Amy pays for this trip herself and it isn’t cheap.
Amy pays for this trip through many different ways, one of them is a business she started called Amy’s Crafty Creations.
Amy’s Crafty Creations is handmade goods from purses and bags to paintings. They are each awesome and uniquely crafted.
Amy is a purple cow in that she has uniquely taken her gifts and put them to work for the betterment of the Kingdom of God. She didn't just settle with fitting into the mold but pushing through and creating her ministry.

I truly believe if we would stop telling people to fit in, to stop being unique, to stop being different and cultivate their unique gifts we would find that we are a body that is diverse and beautiful. We are body that is reflects Jesus in the way we were created to.
And that image of Christ people would want to be apart of.
It’s a voice being repeated over 2,000 years ago.
Stop being brown cows. Paint yourself purple.
If you want to support Amy and her cause please check out Amy’s Crafty Creations and like her page and recommend it to your friends. Browse through her awesome creations or think of something unique for her to make. Her page will become a permanent link on the H4BT blog! Share some love and check it out!
Tex G.M. Rule
“But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. How strange a body would be if it had only one part! Yes, there are many parts, but only one body.” 1 Corinthians 12:18-20, NLT.
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