Friday, August 26, 2011

Guest Blog: Words & Worship

Today we have a real treat for y'all reading. 

Today is the monthly Guest Blogger and our writer is a personal friend and great writer, Chris Gerac. This means you won't have to read me for at least another day! He's a real purple cow with a passion to spread the Gospel.  Chris is working towards his Bachelors of Religion at Baylor Universtiy where he is plans to continue his work in full-time ministry. He blogs on a a blog called Burning Under The Son.  Check it out and give him some love. -Tex G.M. Rule

To those wondering,

If you think worship is the songs you sing before your pastor comes up on stage YOU'RE WRONG.

It’s sad but when it comes to some American perceptions of worship. I often feel as though the last thing actually thought of is God. 

Instead of turning to Him, we often turn to our friends or our phones. Instead of focusing on the Man who saved and redeemed us, we focus on our voices or if we should be lifting or hands or not based upon the actions of the person standing next to us. Instead of singing with our hearts we sing with heavy eyes and half-hearted voices.

Now I’m not attacking anyone who does this for I feel that the Church is equally to blame for this pseudo-worship experience, nor am I saying that every single person has been lulled into thinking that this is worship. 

What I am saying is that Worship is more than words.

Robert Foster says, “Singing, praying, praising all may lead to worship, but worship is (far) more than any of them.” Worship is the essence of our souls. Worship is when our flesh dies and God rises. Worship is when we give ourselves wholeheartedly to Jesus. Worship is when our actions, our thoughts, our minds all focus on Him. 

True worship isn’t for 30 minutes every Sunday. 
True worship is our acknowledgment of God and His goodness every single moment of our lives. 
True worship doesn’t harden our hearts but melts the hardest of stone and brings us closer in intimacy with our Father.

True worship isn’t standing at the front of your church with your arms held high because that’s what you feel like you should do. True worship doesn’t even have to deal with song.

True worship is entering the activity/mindset, which takes your focus off of you and allows God out of his box.

Whether dancing, writing, drawing, coloring, singing, rapping, painting, or just laying face down on your floor, I encourage you to let God move through you instead of you trying to move God
Worship is inviting God to move

Worship is Freedom

Chris Gerac
“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24, NIV

Want to Guest Blog for Hoping for a Better Tomorrow? Just check out the Guest-Blog page and send in your post.

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