Thursday, August 18, 2011

Whispers & Anthems

To my readers,

I have spent hours trying to write. 

I wish I were kidding. 

I went through different ideas over and over to find nothing. 

I was fishing to find my catch got away every time. 

As I continued to look for an idea to write these words rose into my thoughts.  This phrase kept repeating itself over and over. I tried to put it to the back of my mind, but it started to grow.

No matter what else I tried to think about, this overcame it. Eventually it was a chant-no more than a chant.

It was an anthem. But who’s anthem was this?

Then I realized it.  The truth was sobering and gut wrenching. 

It was my heart’s. 

You see here is the words that were repeating over and over.
The Lord will reign forever and ever.”  Exodus 15:18, NLT.
What a truth.  No matter what terrible things I will encounter, the Lord is still King.  No matter what amazing journey my life will take me on, the Lord is sill on His throne.  No matter what happens, the Lord is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

My heart wanted me to remember this.

I think its too easy to hear this and put it the back of my mind to be forgotten and ignored.  What is funny, is no king would be forgotten or ignored.  In fact, most kings would be storm in and demand their respect and honor. 

Not my King. 

He invaded my heart with a whisper of love.

He was saying “Place me as a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm.  For love is as strong as death, its jealousy as enduring as the grave.  Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame.” Song of Songs 8:6, NLT.

And my heart obeyed.  And it wouldn’t stop its anthem. 

He wouldn’t force me to kneel.  He wouldn’t force me to give up my fake crown. 

He wanted me to kneel and give up my crown on my own accord only because I love him. 

Let this be the seal over your heart.  No matter what comes at you- He loves you and He is King.

Never forget- The Lord will reign forever and ever.

at 3:30 you will hear what my heart continually echoed over and over 

Tex G.M. Rule
"The Lord will reign forever and ever." Exodus 15:18, NLT.

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