Saturday, August 6, 2011

Delilah & Check Engine Lights

To my readers,

I used to drive an old pickup truck.

If any of you have had an older truck, you know that it has its own little quirks.  My previous truck, a royal blue 1991 GMC 1500, named Delilah (I am very aware of the Biblical implications), had quite a few quirks.  The A/C went on and off as it pleased, it seemed to nearly break down every month, and the check engine light was constantly on. 

Yes, that devilish orange engine light. If many of you looked on your own dashboards, you would see this same light.  We like to ignore it.  Turns out, this light is actually rather important. When the light turns on it’s to let the driver know something is wrong.  Something isn’t working as it should.

There is a psalm written by King David in the Old Testament.  In this song David writes,
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Psalm 139: 23-24, NLT.
David was asking for a Check Engine Light. 

God gave us a check engine light to let us know when we need to stop and check our heart.  He gave us his Holy Spirit to guide us.  Too often we do the worst thing we could do.  We ignore it.  The check engine light comes on, letting us know something is off.  However, all we say to ourselves is, "I'll get to that later." 

A check engine light is used for us to stop our vehicle and check under the hood.  Here we can find whats broken, what fuel is leaking, or what needs repaired. Its usually only when things get bad that we actually take the time to check. When we decide to take the time to figure out the source of the problem, we will find we’ve put the wrong things into our metaphorical engine.  We constantly try to have our relationships, careers, or our possessions fuel us.  When we spend time letting the wrong things fuel our lives and occupy our time, we will start to break down.  We will end up on “E.”

What are you using to fuel your life?

When we focus on our relationship with Christ and who he is, things begin to change.  When we put Jesus first, the things of this world become less important. When was the last time we spent time in the word?  When was the last time we spent time with Jesus?  If we aren’t doing things to build our relationship with Jesus, how can we expect to have anything in our spiritual tank?

We need to stop putting junk get into our lives and let the only one who can fill you up.  Stop doing the same thing expecting different results.  It’s the things we put into our lives that show us what truly matters. 

I dare to you try something different.  Today, turn off your computer, Facebook, cell phone for a half hour and get away from the world.  Find a place where you can sit and be alone with God.  Spend this time talking with him. Be honest.  More so than this, spend time listening to him.  Take this time to draw into him and he will draw nearer to you.

Don't ignore your check engine light. Stop putting junk into your tank. Ask God to show you where you need to change and he will.  Let Christ turn the spiritual check engine light off. 

Tex G.M. Rule
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Psalm 139: 23-24, NLT.

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