Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Interviews & Theological Debates

To My Readers,
It certainly has been such a long time. I've been convicted for a while to get back to writing this blog, but to be honest, i've been lazy and decided not to write it. I figured my excuse, "I don't have time, maybe tomorrow I can make some time," will never go away. I'll never really have time, so I might as well should just write. My tuesday's are typically a busy day. I only have one class at six p.m. but I also have chapel at 11.

I slept through my alarm today, go figure, and woke up around 10. Sadly, I was up until around four a.m. trying to see the Leonid Meteor Shower, sadly, now living in San Antonio, I wasn't able to see a thing. I stayed up super late for practically nothing, though it was a beautiful evening. The weather has dropped down into the low 50's as the lows and into the low 70's/high 60's for the high. I love winter when its actually cold, though Texas has a tendency to make winter no different than summer. I hurried over to chapel to find out that today was a special prayer chapel. We didn't have the sign in sheet as we usually do. I stayed and prayed for some time.

Afterwards I went to lunch with Scott Duff, a great theologian here at the Baptist University of the Americas, in the cafeteria. Scott is strongly supportive of the organic church and has great insights to issues where the institutionalized church has missed the mark. More so than that, Scott is quiet a funny guy and good company. Our discussion for whatever reason, was on divorce and the original Greek meaning of the word when He said that divorce is only allowed by "porneia" (greek word usually translated as sexual immorality but is much deeper than just sexual immorality, i wont go into it now ) in Matthew 19:9. (Btw, I have found my calling here at the Baptist University of the Americas thanks to the help of Dr. Ramos in seeing what God had so clearly placed on my heart to do. I will talk about it in a blog to come.)
Afterwards I went on a search for a tea kettle, and to no avail, didn't find one. I returned to the library to be interview by a friend, Yacxara, for her English class. It was primarily about why I had come to BUA, my experiences being here, and about how BUA fit into my calling in life. It was interesting and strange being interview, even if its simply for a school paper. Our culture says interviews are for people worth saying something. Im not getting a big head, but it was strange doing one at the same time.

Afterwards I went back to my apartment and started to work on homework. I had some reading to do for Intro to Theology (HIstorical Theology) tonight which I jumped on. It was primarily about God's revelation and the different theologies on those revelations, between General & Special Revelation. Interesting, however to have an three hour class on this topic was going to be...sooooo much fun.....(read sarcasm in whenever you'd like). Its a great class with a great instructor, Dr. Nora Lozano, except, we have many students that would rather argue for the sake of hearing their voice and making their opinion definite truth rather than seeking out answers on questionable topics on the basis of discovering truth. Some may be asking can those be the same thing? Its a matter of the heart from some students. We have a few that believe a well renown doctor of Theology knows less about theology than a gnat knows any human language. Needless to say, instead of learning from our professor, some students feel it is necessary to stop her lecture and enter a discussion as useful as kicking a dead horse. However, thats a different fish to fry. I was texting Katherine Robinette, who is one my best-friends, until she insisted I pay attention, regardless if there was pointless arguing taking place. It is always uplifting talking to her. I was so thankful to get to spend time with her this weekend while I was visiting home.

I was also able to talk with Sydney Sever tonight. Syd, is a dear friend I met in fall of 2007, while we were both at Blue Knight camps and have been good friends ever since. She is going to be going overseas this coming spring. I am very excited for Syd and all that God is doing in her life. We discussed being pen-pals, so I can write letters and her send me awesome postcards! I really have been wanting an old fashioned pen pal, however with Facebook and cell-phones, mail has become obsolete to my generation. I am very excited to embark on such a cool challenge. Writing letters. lol!
Marty arrived in Denton last night. I found this out via Facebook chat during class as well. Yes, i have the terrible sin of multi-tasking. We did small catching up along with the rekindling of an old idea with chess. It was good to know Marty is only a few hours away rather than a few days.

I ask that we keep Sydney in your prayers. She is going to be overseas and far away from friends, family, and her loved one. I know it is going to be such a great and life-changing experience for her. Be praying that she finds a community that will embrace and love her as we, followers of Christ, are supposed to. Pray for her to find friends and for everyone whom she will encounter, because I know she can impact everyone she meets. Pray that God speaks to her heart during this time and challenges and builds her up in their relationship. Syd, kick some butt this spring.

tex g.m. rule

"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen:to loose the chains of injustice & untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free & break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry & to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when you see the naked, to clothe him, & not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
" Isaiah 58:6-7