Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Terrible Planning & Posters Galore

To my readers,

Posters can be great marketing tools.

Put in the right places, designed correctly, a poster can go from wall art to something that captivates the reader.  It has the potential to be ignored or to engage and challenge its audience.  What causes the people its reaching out to choose one way or the other?

Location, location, location.

That being said, I safely assumed that when Two42 printed out 500 or so posters, they would be easy to put up around the city.  I figured that I could take around a hundred posters to put around San Antonio colleges and be done before noon.  My boss asked me, “How many posters do you think you can put up?”

I’ll do a hundred and see how that goes,” was my response.

It is only a hundred posters, right? How hard could it be?

I gathered one extra volunteer to help me with this recruitment plan, thinking this job was going to be smooth as butter on a hot Texas summer day. 

I really trusted my own insight on this project only to find interesting results. Talk about an eye opener.

The best words to describe this are found in the Proverbs of the Old Testament,
Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe.” Proverbs 28:26, NLT.
I was a fool.

Not only was I not able to put up all hundred posters, when noon came I had only placed 17 posters around one college.  Not only must you go to different places, many places make you speak with a manager before placing the poster in their establishment’s community bulletin board.

Talk about foot-in-mouth-syndrome.

By the time I returned to work a few hours later I had only a whopping 24 posters put up.  My boss must have known by my facial expression what was taking place because he instantly asked me, “How’d it go? Get all the posters up?”

No, it was much more time consuming than I thought. I only have 24 done.

My boss laughed and shortly afterwards said, “Oh, Tex.”

Tex G.M. Rule
Those who trust their own insight are foolish, but anyone who walks in wisdom is safe.” Proverbs 28:26, NLT

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