Monday, July 11, 2011

Waiters & Broken-Down Cars

To my readers,

One of my favorite things about being a writer is the job location. While most folks have to sit in an office and write all day, I have the pleasure of sitting in various coffee shops and diners around town. I have different settings, a clean uncluttered workspace, and I have the pleasure of meeting the amazing wait-staff.  If you haven’t gotten to know these fine people who wait your table, let me explain to you that you are missing out. 

One of my regular spots is a diner on the north side of San Antonio.  This diner not only knows me by name but also has a secluded booth reserved for me. To top it off, one waiter knows me well enough that he has brought my drink before I have finished unpacking my bag. Over the many hours I’ve spent at this diner, he has become a friend. In fact, he doesn’t even call me “Tex,” anymore but has renamed me “little brother.” The hospitality and love he has shown me has blown me away. 

The last time I met with this waiter, I couldn’t help but think of this passage in the Bible.  The author of the letter written to the Hebrews, reminds these Christians Jews about the way they should treat one another.  The author writes,
“Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters.  Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” Hebrews 13:1-2, NLT
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that I am an angel, but this waiter has always taken care of me.  He embodies love to those around him.  Some of you might be saying, “Oh, he’s just trying to earn a tip!” Not only does he refuse to let me pay for my drink, he won’t accept my tip. I have to leave it on the table and run out while he isn’t looking.

How often do we love the people we care about this way? How often do we treat the people in our lives as means to an end rather than as family? I know I am guilty of not treating people with love like they were family.  The truth is that everyone is part of this bigger divine family as God’s children.  Yes, its cliché, but its true.  I believe if we loved people as if they were brothers and sisters, it would radically change the world. 

What would you do if your sibling called you in the middle of the night terrified and confused because they were broke down and lost on some country road? If it was my brother in that car calling me, I’d already have been in my truck burning rubber to come rescue him. Wouldn't you do the same? Why don't we do this for our "brothers" and "sisters" who don't know Christ's love?  If we treated all those who don’t know the love of Jesus like our lost broken-down sibling, we would see the world transformed. What’s holding you back from loving people for the sake of loving them?

Ps. Please remember to tip your server.  They are amazing people.  

Tex G.M. Rule
“Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters.  Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” Hebrews 13:1-2, NLT

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