Thursday, July 14, 2011

Germs & Sports Trainers

To my reader, 

Once a week, I am going to mix things up by writing about the adventures/fun times of being a slave intern at Community Bible Church.  Let me know if you enjoy this idea by leaving me feedback in the comments section below! Hope you enjoy! -Tex

The day a church takes communion is an important day in the church. It is the reminder of what Christ did for us on the cross, paying in full the debt of our sin.  Its no wonder why Paul writes to the church in Corinth telling them not to take communion lightly. He writes,
You should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup.” 1 Corinthians 11:28, NLT.
Not only does it require a lot of prep time, it requires the whole church staff to be ready, communion songs, small communion message, bread/wine slides, the works. For an intern, preparing for communion can be crazy. In fact the day before Two42, my boss states, “We haven’t done communion in a while.” Translated to the language of intern it means, “We need to do communion. Make it happen.”

Then it happened. We broke the rules.  This past week, Two42 changed how we served Communion. It was an interesting conversation trying to figure out how which method to decide.  What was the deciding factor you may ask?


Pure and simple. The nasty little buggers that keep many of us awake at night. I realize mentioning germs made some reader pull out their pocket hand sanitizer. To this person, the germaphobe, the idea of everyone dipping a piece of bread into the same cup makes then cringe. 

If we weren’t going to do communion by intintion, then what were we going to do? Luckily, our local HEB had French bread and grape juice. We also purchased one more set of items:

Yes, mustard and ketchup squirt bottles.  To eliminate the community cup of wine, we would need to fill 350 individual tiny cups. This was our solution.  It proved to be a great idea minus squirting it all over the tables, my shirt, and the floor. But since the 350 cups were full, I'd call this a win.

After cleaning this up, it hit me.  I had an idea on how to improve intintion for the germaphobe. Congregants would have two options: to dip their bread into the one community cup of grape juice; or they could have someone squirt the grape juice from the ketchup/mustard bottle.  Imagine a football trainer at the sideline of the game.  

Communion Trainers: the future of communion.  Brilliant isn’t it?

I tried to have Chris implement this, but all He simply said was, “Oh, Tex.” 

Tex G.M. Rule
You should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 1 Corinthians 11:28, NLT.

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