Thursday, July 21, 2011

MacBooks & Antonyms

To my readers,

I have a MacBook.  Not a MacBook pro, just a plain and simple MacBook. One of my favorite things about purchasing my Mac, was how quick and smooth it ran. It was great.  My new computer was my best friend. Until one day, I found it running slow. A snail could have won this race.

It literally crawled.

Instead of calling Apple Support, I quickly called my roommate with all his Mac-user genius to my aid. His first question was, “When was the last time you turned your computer off?  To be honest, I had no idea.  Its been a couple days,” I replied.  

He quickly reached across me and shut my computer off.  Your computer is not made to run all the time. It needs to rest so that it can work properly.  You’re over working it.

Little did he know that his words would echo into my daily life. I don’t rest. I keep adding more things to my back until I find that I have no strength to carry forward.  I start to lag behind getting slower with each step, until a snail could outrun me in a race.

In the scriptures we find what one psalmist wrote:
Be still and know that I am God. I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10, NLT.
I am not very still.  In fact, if the dictionary had a picture of an antonym for still, you would find my picture.  

In my head, I was being strong but in reality I was being prideful.  I have this idea that I am strong enough to push onward myself.  I push and I fight and all I’ve found is that I am not strong enough to this by myself.

When we take the time to put down our pride, and simply focus on nothing more than Jesus, it changes us.  When we choose to not do other things and to simply spend time with God, we are actually proving that He is more important than those things.  It is showing Jesus that he is our focus; he is everything we need. 

Recently, a friend told me, “Look at your schedule of how much time you spend with Jesus.  Let’s imagine you spend an hour a week with him.  How terrible would it be if you only spent an hour sleeping a week?”

Put aside your pride. Work will still be there. Cleaning will still be there. Life will still be there, regardless of how much work we put into it.  Take time daily to rest with Christ because only he can give us the rest we need.

Christ said these words, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28, NLT.

Tex G.M. Rule
Be still and know that I am God. I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalm 46:10, NLT.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to link our blogs together cause I feel like they are synonyms of each other. Love your heart.