Saturday, July 16, 2011

iPods & Money Clips

To my readers,
Do you remember when the iPod first came out? I do. When I was in highs school, I was on a mission to find a way to earn the money to buy one. I had no idea how I would, but I prayed that I’d find a way or one would magically fall into my lap. Silly, I know!
One day I stayed late after school and as I was exiting I saw a strange brown piece of trash. My first reaction was one of pure boyhood genius; I kicked it. To my surprise, money popped out.  With no one around, I picked up the money and the old money clip and counted out $350.
Then I saw the license.  On it I saw the face of a substitute teacher I had earlier that day. Here I was with no one around, holding in one hand my favorite substitute teacher’s license and the money in the other. I had a decision to make. 
In the scriptures, Paul writes to the church in Corinth on temptation. He writes,
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful.  He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand.  When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13, NLT.
Paul understands that all of us will be tempted.  He doesn’t give us this idea that those who follow Jesus won’t encounter temptation, but rather that we will encounter temptation.  This is nothing new, we encountered temptation in the garden and we still face it today. There is no way around this.  However, the way we react to temptation is something we can control.
Drug dogs go through an incredible amount of training before they are allowed to work.  One of the last things that they go through is a training of the will.  The dog is taken into a room alone and told to sit. The dog’s favorite toy is then placed in front of them while their master stands farther off in front of them.  The dog would then sit still for a half hour. The dogs that would pass this temptation were the ones who kept their eyes on their master. 
I think we have focused too much on not giving into our temptations rather than focusing on Jesus. When we focus on not sinning and not focus on Christ, who has overcome and freed us from sin, we will lose. Paul reminds us that while we are unfaithful and wavering, God isn’t.  He is faithful. Even in the hardest of times, we can endure what he’s put before us because we can turn to him.  We can’t do it alone, but with Jesus and those he has put around us, we can endure. 
Some of you might be saying, “Well I’ve already messed up. Now what?” Jesus still wants your heart and is willing to use you, where you are right now.   He loves you and says that today is a new day. You are not damaged goods.
Don’t give in, stand your ground.  Focus on the Master who is faithful and loving.

Tex G.M. Rule
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience.  And God is faithful.  He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand.  When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” 1 Corinthians 10:13, NLT.

P.S.) I gave the money clip to our principal, with all the money tucked inside.

1 comment:

Joshua Bethness said...

True, there is alot of temptation in the world. God is very good brother. I have a good feeling. Just what would happen if you did not have the license. Well the teacher was happy that he still has his money clips.