Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Audits & Raw Fish

To my readers,

Today a group of friends met up over sushi to talk and joke around. One friend shared how her work is about to be audited and everyone is on edge trying to prepare.  What makes this story rough is that it is her first day, making everything even more difficult.  I am flinching at the thought of an audit being my first day of a new job.  

Her conversation sat with me for a while today. Its funny how in matters of spirituality, we act just like my friend’s place of business.  When asked about our faith, our relationship with God, or to possibly lead a study, we freak out.  We run around trying to make sure everything is in order. We un-dust our bible which has remained unopened. We act as though we have done a deep Bible study through Habakkuk (If you don’t know what book I’m talking about this post is for you). Essentially, I believe we are afraid that people will look at our faith and will find it lacking, not up to par, or we aren’t where we should be.

The truth is that everyone’s relationship with Jesus has room to grow.  However, we can’t use this as an excuse to not have a relationship with Him.  We need to focus on our relationship with Jesus and grow day by day.  In the New Testament there is a letter written by a man named Peter, who was a disciple of Jesus.  In this letter he writes, 
“You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.” 1 Peter 3:15, NLT
What is interesting is that Peter says we must worship Jesus.  This is where our focus needs to be- not on explaining our faith to everyone else.  Peter goes on to say, however if it comes up where someone asks about your faith, be ready to do so.  We need to be honest and say, “This is where we are.” And while we focus more on our relationship with Jesus everyday, the better this relationship will become. 

Some of us may see our Pastor’s or church leader’s faith and think we are not in the same place they are.  Please, do yourself a favor and stop comparing your spiritual life to theirs.  Your relationship with Jesus is simply between you and Him, focus on Jesus, not where they are and you’re not.  It’s a marathon, we must learn to walk before we can run twenty-six miles.  If you’re on the fence of not focusing on your relationship with Him, start today, right now.  He wants your heart and your life. Try today spending time just talking to Jesus like a friend, being completely honest about life and your heart.  Try reading a small section from one of the Gospels.  These are great places to start, but essentially when it comes for that spiritual audit- you will be able to give an answer for the hope that is within you.  What will you give as your answer?

Tex G.M. Rule
“You must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.” 1 Peter 3:15, NLT


ToosieRol said...

Thank you Tex for the encouraging words, sometime we do loose ourselves while we travel this journey. Must remember who we are and mostly where God will allow us to be in the moment. Be blessed my brother.

Tex said...

You're more than welcome! Keep up the good fight!