To my readers,
As an intern you receive some interesting emails. This past week I received an email from my boss that left me worried. It is the one email that leaves every intern worried and confused. As I read the words on the screen, I became more and more frightened. It read- “Hey guys! I want to you invite you to my daughter’s birthday party this weekend!”
You may think I have over dramatized this but let me explain. I realized I would have to find a gift for his daughter. Not only did I have to find a decent gift, but I had to find one that was age appropriate and equally as awesome than the other interns attending.
I didn’t want to be the intern that got his daughter the lame gift!
What was I going to buy?
I didn’t want to get the same gift or a lame one. I also didn’t want to get one that overshadowed my coworkers. Then I realized a bigger problem. I had no idea what was even appealing to children today.
After searching “What is hip to children” on Google for an hour, I decided it was time to act. I grabbed my truck keys and drove to the toy store. It was time to make a decision.
When I arrived, I realized that I was in way over my head. There were so many toys to choose from. The worst part was my inner child wanted to escape and play with everything. However, I refrained despite the inner child’s temper tantrum.
Decisions. Decisions. I walked around the toy section for way to long before I realized what I needed to do. I bought the gift and proceeded to the party.
“Tex, I’m glad you made it!” my friend and co-intern told me when I arrived. “What did you get for a gift?”
I proceeded to hand my boss a gift card.
My friend laughed, “A gift card? Oh that’s too great.” I tried to explain how difficult this was, but it didn’t matter. The next words he said were, “Oh, Tex.”
Tex G.M. Rule
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